North American Division Office Education:
Arne Nielsen, Vice President for Education
Leisa Standish, Director of Elementary Education
Stephen Bralley, Director, Secondary Education, Accreditation
Evelyn Sullivan, Director, Early Childhood Education
Martha Ban, Director, Technology and Support
Paola Oudri, Adventist Learning Community Educational Professional Development Coordinator

Dan Houghton
Executive Director
As president of Hart Research Center, Dan is dedicated to creating moments where the Holy Spirit has maximum opportunity to work in the lives of people. A graduate of Andrews University, Dan has served in various administrative roles in the Midwest for Adventist Health System and is a past president of ASI, Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries. Dan created Hart Research Center in the late 1980s as a “creative think tank challenged with developing resources to facilitate evangelism.” Hart Research Center is well-known for its collaboration with prominent Adventist authors and speakers and noted artist Nathan Greene. Hart’s mission of empowering anyone interested in sharing the gospel through personal, relevant, and unique resources, continues to guide their ever-expanding roster of projects with Three Angels’ for Kids and Three Angels for Today as the latest additions to a line of distinctly Adventist, spiritually grounded, Christ-centered resources. Dan and his wife Karen live in California, where they are active members of their local church.

Sandra Doran, Ed.D.
Curriculum and Creative Director
Sandra has enjoyed working as an educator and writer within the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the larger community for more than thirty years. She is the author of seven books, hundreds of articles, and served as columnist for the Adventist Review, Signs of the Times, and ParentTalk magazines. Within the educational arena, she has taught on every level from pre-school through college, held top administrative roles in four schools, and worked as Associate Superintendent of Education for the Florida Conference for 15 years. Most recently, she served as founding head of North Tampa Christian Academy, creating an innovative environment for project-based learning. Doran holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Atlantic Union College, a master’s degree in religion and communication from Andrews University and a doctorate in special education from Boston University. She lives in Florida with her husband Pastor Eric Doran, where they enjoy ministering to two congregations.

Yvette Cooper
Project Assistant
Yvette is a seasoned administrator, educator and trainer with more than 25 years of experience in the Seventh-day Adventist school system. She has served in the South Atlantic, Allegheny West, Florida and Ohio conferences, holding positions as teacher, principal, and superintendent of education. With a creative approach to teaching math, science and literacy, Yvette is known as a skilled presenter and teacher trainer for conference, union and division conventions. Her highest ambition is to provide Seventh-day Adventist teachers with the skills to equip students to reach their full potential for the kingdom.
As principal of Emmanuel SDA Jr Academy in the South Atlantic Conference, Yvette piloted every PreK-8 Three Angels for Kids unit. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in education from Oakwood University and a master’s degree in reading and literacy from Capella University. She lives in Albany, Georgia where she enjoys spending time with her three grandchildren.

Mark Bond
Art Director
Mark holds a degree in Corporate Communication from Southwestern Adventist University, with graduate-level training in film, writing, and media storytelling. With more than 30 years’ experience in graphic design, art direction, branding, photography, music and video production, Mark brings a Christ-centered, fresh approach to the project. His work includes such clients as Adventist World Radio, AdventHealth, Voice of Prophecy, 3ABN, and It is Written. Mark is a member of the American Marketing Association and serves as President of Red Canoe Creative. Mark and his wife Conna enjoy family and church activities in their home state of Montana.
Like every undertaking, Three Angels Curriculum Project started as a vision. A group of Seventh-day Adventist lay people became convicted that Adventist students need a deep understanding of these significant messages in Revelation 14 at the heart of our identity as a denomination. They began asking students—from elementary school through college—what they could tell them about the three angels’ messages. They were surprised at the blank looks and confused answers. Thus, the project was born.
In 2019 work on the curriculum began in earnest. The name Three Angels for Today was selected for the high school companion piece to the PreK-8 curriculum, Three Angels for Kids. The North American Division Education Department and the General Conference world headquarters granted approval and support. The wheels began to turn.
By the dawning of 2021, a rich array of resources had been created including audio stories, video clips, slide presentations, lesson plans, children’s books, weeks of prayer, and much more. Grounded in the love of Jesus, Three Angels for Kids and Three Angels for Today continues to push forward, creating educationally sound, developmentally-appropriate resources to remind our children of their distinct calling to share Revelation’s messages with the world.
The Three Angels Curriculum Project has been created to strongly ground Seventh-day Adventist PreK-12 students in the Revelation 14 message of a God of love about to intervene for humanity. Our ultimate goal is to draw students into a loving relationship with Jesus. Our core philosophy is one of righteousness by faith and trust in the One who provided the ultimate sacrifice for us. This leads to a natural response of courage and conviction to stand up for beliefs in the midst of pressure and chaos.
As participants in relevant, Biblically-based, grace-oriented, developmentally-appropriate integrated lessons, PreK-12 students will:
Draw closer to and develop a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Become grounded in their unique identity as Seventh-day Adventists.
Rediscover Seventh-day Adventist distinctives.
Develop as independent thinkers unafraid to stand up for their beliefs.
Make connections between Revelation 14 and academic content in science and social studies.
Improve their ability to read and write in a coherent, critical and cogent manner.
Apply the messages of Revelation 14 to their own lives.
Take action to share the three angels’ messages with their world.