Grades PreK-8 (ages 4-13)

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Welcome to our elementary curriculum page! Our resources strongly ground Seventh-day Adventist PreK-12 students in the Revelation 14 message of a God of love about to intervene for humanity. Using a developmentally appropriate approach, we draw students into a loving relationship with Jesus and equip them with the tools to stand up for Him.
We begin with broad brush strokes in grades PreK-2, emphasizing the principles that form the foundation for a deepening understanding of the three angels’ messages as the grades progress. Our resources are multi-grade friendly, with multiple reading levels for students with diverse needs. Everything is provided for you, with North American Division standards in language arts, Bible, social studies, science and visual arts integrated into the lessons. Each grade band contains ten rich lessons which may be taught over two to four weeks.
So take your time. Browse our resources. And introduce your students to the messages that make Seventh-day Adventists distinct.
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Download our handy ordering guide for single and multi-grade schools.
Then view our products for each grade band on the following pages.

Positive, upbeat lessons share the incredible love of God with young students as demonstrated in the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. Two beautifully illustrated children’s books present principles in a way children can readily understand.
Lessons integrate Bible with best practices of a balanced literacy program including shared and guided reading, shared and guided writing, listening, and literacy rotations. Includes engaging audio stories and templates for students to create their own watercolor books.
INCLUDES: 10 extensive lessons covering 2 to 4 weeks of instruction; vocabulary and contraction cards; slides in PowerPoint and Keynote formats; and a child-friendly Three Angels poster.
(Watercolor paint, brushes, and pencils not included.)
Multi-Grade Middle Grades
Engaging, student-friendly curriculum based on the chapter book, Beth and The Trio of Angels, available in three different reading levels.
The saga of fourth-grader Beth Andrews and her challenges at home and school provide a relevant setting for all students to explore the principles of the three angels’ messages and the moral choices made by those who anticipate His soon return. Through whole group instruction, guided reading, and literacy circles with peers on their own reading level, students gain spiritual insight and learn new tools for becoming more proficient readers and writers.
INCLUDES: 10 extensive lessons covering 2 to 4 weeks of instruction for whole group in Bible and language arts; 10 small group lesson plans for students on each of three reading levels; and a Reading Strategy Tool which helps students develop decoding and comprehension skills.

Multi-Grade Upper Grades
Students learn to effectively develop written Christian arguments on relevant issues pertaining to the three angels’ messages as they read engaging stories and make practical applications to their own lives.
INCLUDES: 10 extensive lessons covering 2 to 4 weeks of instruction in Bible and language arts; 10 colorful booklets containing essays on three different reading levels; five text-based writing prompts; assessment tools; and slides in PowerPoint and Keynote formats
Students develop an urgency to share the three angels’ messages with their world as they study the contrast between the harsh regimes of world leaders and God’s kingdom of righteous, peace, and joy. History and scripture provide a backdrop for students to think critically, make courageous choices, and commit to fully follow all of God’s commandments.
INCLUDES: 10 extensive lesson plans covering 2 to 4 weeks of instruction in Bible, language arts, and history; project-based learning unit extension; assessment rubrics; whole brain learning; beautifully designed interactive notebooks; and slides in PowerPoint and Keynote formats.
These lessons coordinate with United States history, (Hitler and the holocaust, Mussolini, Stalin, Osama Bid Laden, modern-day oppression and genocide) and World History, (fall of Rome, Inquisition, Holy Roman Empire, zealots and the Protestant Reformation).